7 Universal Truths You Can Learn in Under 7 Minutes

Truth not lived is the modern-day curse.

Photo by Tianshu Liu on Unsplash

“Unlived truth is our greatest problem.”

‒ D.L. Moody

In this world of opinions and facts, everyone seems to believe that they speak the truth.

It can be tough to discern fact from fiction ‒ fraud from reality.

But deep down we know some things are true. We don’t need anyone to explain it. We just know.

We can also judge truth by the fruits that it yields.

Below you will find truths that, if incorporated into your life, will yield tremendous results.

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1. The Law of the Farm

Seeds grow, but not overnight

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest that you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”

‒ Robert Louis Stevenson

The only way to get a tree is to start with a seed.

The same is true for any creation.

It starts with a seed.

You may need to start with a lot of seeds to get one seed to grow. But you won’t have the tree unless you plant the seed.

And take care of the seed.

Seeds do not grow overnight. They need nourishment. Cultivation.

And time.

Remember: if you want to achieve, it starts with a seed.

Seeds grow, but not overnight.

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2. Success and Failure

Success dulls the edge. Failure sharpens it.

“In war, it is axiomatic that the victors of the last war fight the new one with the tactics of the old. Having won, the victor is content with what won for him; but the vanquished wants to know why he lost.”
 — Robert Leckie

Why is it that some of the most successful people fall and fail?

Why do some of the most downtrodden people rise up above their situations, and achieve more than anyone can imagine?

Success tends to dull the blade that causes us to reach great heights. One success makes it easier to relax and enjoy being the best. More success comes and can dull our ambition.

But success also builds us. It provides comfort and security. Success boosts confidence.

Failure has a way of focusing energy. Certain people fail and it only drives them farther and faster.

How can we avoid success’s dull blade but still obtain its benefits?

Look for the failure in every success. And the success in every failure.

Success dulls the edge. Failure sharpens it.

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3. We Are All One

There is a right way to treat people. And a wrong way.

“Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

I once had to fire people who worked for me. It was not my choice. I was good friends with all of them.

I hated that I had to fire them. But I had no choice.

Even though I had to do something tough, I decided to do it my way.

I decided to treat these friends with respect and dignity.

Everyone deserves respect and dignity, even when we need to face tough moments.

Each person we run into has thoughts, feelings, and emotions — just like us.

I treated my friends with dignity.

And years later, they are now my clients. And we are still friends.


There is a right way to treat people. And a wrong way.

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4. The Difference Between Winning and Losing Is Simple

The difference between winning is one point. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I once heard coach Tom Izzo ask an audience what the difference between winning and losing is.

Everyone guessed:


“Good defense”

“Make shots”


He said:

“The difference between a win and a loss is one point.”

That’s it.

One point.

One point is the difference.

Not everything works like in sports.

Yet, one thing can be the difference.

You may not need to do everything everyone else is doing. You may not be winning right now.

But know this: you just need to tip the scales so that one point makes a difference.

The difference between winning and losing is one point. Nothing more. Nothing less.

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5. Action Is the Difference

You can think until the sun sets. You still need to move.

“We feel noble intentions should be checked periodically against results.”

‒ Warren Buffett

No thought has ever changed the world. It is only action that makes a difference.

Reflection is valuable. But you need to act on your reflections.

Our beliefs are important. But do you really believe something if you do not follow through?





You can think until the sun sets. You still need to move.

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6. Focus On What You Can Control

We control efforts, not outcomes.

“As they say in riding school, you have to be able to control yourself before you control the horse.”

‒ Robert Greene

I can control my own actions.

I cannot control how people will respond.

If you are frustrated about anything, ask yourself: am I frustrated by my own actions or by someone else’s response?

You should only focus on your own actions. And then use those actions to obtain the response you want.

We control efforts, not outcomes.

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7. Don’t Rely on Discipline

The mind may be willing, but the body is weak

“I must create a system or be enslaved by another man’s.”‒William Blake

Discipline is a great tool.

But it will fail you.

You might get tired, or hungry, or distracted.

We all have great intentions. But few of us act on them all of the time.

The only solution is to use your discipline and will to build systems that will carry you when you are weak.

  • Business systems

  • Friends

  • Family

  • Support

  • Relationships

We all will fail at some point. So build your support structures now, when you do have the willpower.

The mind may be willing, but the body is weak.

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Call To Action

If you want to learn the one truth that has changed my life more than any other, and can absolutely transform your life, eliminate frustration, and crush anxiety, then check out my free “Daily Transformation Checklist.”

Click here to get the FREE Checklist right now!


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